◆延期 Extending ARC

Definite term for application:
    If your ARC is going to be invalid next month, you should go to  International Students Assistance Division Office(ISA) and apply for it before the middle of this month. (For example, if your ARC will be invalid in September, you should hand in all required documents to ISA office before 15th August.)
Who go apply past time limit of item "Definite term for application":
    Go to ISA office with documents mentioned above and apply for official document first. Then go to National Immigration Agency in Douliou 
on your own to apply for the extension of ARC.

      1. 外國人停居留案件申請書 (點此下載 →申請書)
      2. 居留證正、影本各一份
      3. 護照正、影本各一份
      4. 學生證(該學期需已註冊)正反面影本
      5. 照片(白色背景之證件照) → 請看範例
      6. 新台幣1,000元
      7. 學校公文(請持以上文件到僑外組申請公文)
    Required documents
     1. Application Form 
            (Download →Application Form download)
     2. Original ARC and one copy of it
     3. Original passport and one copy of it
     4. 2-sides copy of student ID card(enrolled)
     5. two 2-inch photo  → Click Here to see an example
     6. NTD 1,000
     7. Official document
     (Official document should be applied from ISA office with documents required above) 

    ●申請流程 Application Procedure
       When applying for ARC, please prepare the required documents and go to the local service of Ministry of Interior National Immigration Agency. The process can be done in person or by an agent who comes along with the certificate of entrustment signed by the applicant.

台北市服務站:星期一至星期五 08:00-17:00,中午不休息
各地服務站:星期一至星期五 08:00-17:00,中午不休息
For more details, please contact the National Immigration Agency
E-mail: boi@immigration.gov.tw
Website: http://www.immigration.gov.tw//immig_eng/aspcode/main4.asp
Address:  No.15, Guangjhou St., Jhong Jheng District, Taipei City
Business Hours: Taipei Office:   Monday to Friday 8:00 – 17:00
            Branch Office in Douliu:   Monday to Friday 8:00 – 17:00
TEL: (05)534-5971
Manual Answering Line:  (02)2389-9983 "Taipei"

Foreigners in Taiwan 24-hour toll free service: 0800-024-111 (English, Japanese, and Manderin services avaliable)

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    National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (YUNTECH)

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