For newly arrived Overseas Chinese students without NHI IC card
Overseas Chinese students newly arrived in Taiwan who have not stayed more than 4 months will be required by Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission(OCAC) to join in the group medical insurance (the payment from September to December is NT$2,000). The cost of the group medical insurance is included in tuition fee in the first semester.
For overseas Chinese students who has already own NHI and NHI IC card
→僑大分發 For overseas Chinese students distributed by NUPS
Overseas Chinese students distributed by NUPS who has already joined NHI and own NHI IC card, please refer to your previous agency (language school, company, or municipal administration... etc) for an insurance closure document. Then bring the document and tuition receipt of the semester to International Students Assistance Division(ISA) office to transfer your NHI to YUNTECH.(The payment from September to February is NT$2,244.)
※Overseas Chinese students of YUNTECH who joins in NHI has to pay NT$374 per month.
→轉學生For overseas Chinese students transfered from other university
Overseas Chinese students transfered from other university who has already joined NHI and own NHI card, please refer to your previous agency (language school, company, or municipal administration... etc) for an insurance closure document. Then bring the document and tuition receipt of the semester to International Students Assistance Division(ISA)office to transfer your NHI to YUNTECH.(The payment from September to February is NT$2,244.)
※Overseas Chinese students of YUNTECH who joins in NHI has to pay NT$374 per month.
◆持有中華民國身份證者 For overseas Chinese students who has National Identification Card(ROC)
Overseas Chinese students with National Identification Card(ROC) could legally be a dependent of an immediate relative who is in Taiwan,(i.e., parents, spouses, or children) you should go to NHI applicant of your relative and apply as a dependent family member.
※更新事項:Updated News
Overseas Chinese students with National Id Card(ROC) could not legally be a dependent of parents who are not in Taiwan and didn't join in NHI, should go to NHI applicant of school they are studying in and apply as a student.
※Overseas Chinese students of YUNTECH who joins in NHI has to pay NT$374 per month.