目前分類:僑生居留證辦理 ARC Application(Overseas Chinese students) (6)
- Jul 01 Thu 2010 09:31
僑生-居留證辦理-申請 Applying ARC for Overseas Chinese students
- May 12 Wed 2010 12:51
僑生-居留證辦理-更改就讀學校For foreign students- ARC renewal due to transfor to another school
◆ 港澳僑生更改「就讀學校」辦理申請資料更新
- May 12 Wed 2010 12:47
僑生-居留證辦理-更改地址 ARC renewal due to address change for Overseas Chinese students
◆ 港澳僑生更改「住址」辦理申請資料更新
- May 12 Wed 2010 12:45
僑生-居留證辦理-毀損補發 ARC renewal due to damage of it for Overseas Chinese students
◆ 港澳僑生因毀損居留證辦理申請
- May 12 Wed 2010 12:42
僑生-居留證辦理-遺失補發 ARC renewal due to the loss of ARC for Overseas Chinese students
◆ 港澳僑生因遺失居留證辦理申請
- May 12 Wed 2010 12:12
僑生-居留證辦理-延期 Extension ARC for Overseas Chinese students
港、澳、韓等地區 For students who are from Hong Kong, Macau and Korea, etc.