◆ 港澳僑生更改「就讀學校」辦理申請資料更新
Application requesting information renewal due to transfor to another school for Overseas Chinese students from Hong Kong or Maocau
1. 房屋契約或住宿證明
2. 居留證及影本各一份
3. 護照正本及影本各一份
4. 學生證(該學期已註冊)
Required documents
1. House lease or evidence of accomodation
2. Original ARC and one copy of it
3. Original passport and one copy of it
4. Original student ID card and one copy of it (enrolled at the very semester)
●申請流程 Application Procedure
When applying for ARC, please prepare the required documents and go to the local service of Ministry of Interior National Immigration Agency. The process should be done in person.
This procedure should be completed in 15 days after transforing to another school. Students who will be fined NTD10,000 maximum without complete this procedure in time.
MAP to Immigration Agency↓
◆ 馬來西亞、印尼等地僑生更改「就讀學校」辦理申請資料更新
Applicants requesting ARC renewal due to transfor to another school for Overseas Chinese students.
1. 房屋契約或住宿證明
2. 居留證及影本各一份
3. 護照正本及影本各一份
4. 學生證(該學期已註冊)
5. 僑大分發書
Required documents
1. House lease or evidence of accomodation
2. Original ARC and one copy of it
3. Original passport and one copy of it
4. Original student ID card and one copy of it (enrolled at the very semester)
5. Approval University Entrance Committee For Overseas Chinese Student
●申請流程 Application Procedure
When applying for ARC, please prepare the required documents and go to the local service of Ministry of Interior National Immigration Agency. The process should be done in person.
This procedure should be completed in 15 days after transforing to another school. Students who will be fined NTD10,000 maximum without complete this procedure in time.
MAP to Immigration Agency↓