◆ 港澳僑生因遺失居留證辦理申請
Applicants requesting ARC renewal due to the loss of their ARC for Overseas Chinese students from Hong Kong or Maocau
1. 中華民國臺灣地區入境居留定居申請書 (點此下載>>>申請書)
2. 遺失居留證具結書 (需親自前往移民署填寫)
3. 僑居地身份證正本及影本各一份
4. 學生證正反面影本
5. 相片2張 (2吋白色背景照) →請參考範本
6. 新台幣1,000元
7. 學校公文(請持以上文件到僑外組申請公文)
Required documents:
1. Application Form
(Download>>>Application Form download)
2. Declaration (which is provided by National Immigration Agency)
3. Original ID card at overseas country and one copy of it
4. 2-sides copy of students ID card(enrolled)
5. two 2-inch photos → see the example Here
6. NTD 1,000
7. Official document
(Official document should be applied from Assistance of ISAD with documents required above.)
●申請流程 Application Procedure
Step 1:Go to National Immigration Agency in Douliu to report missing of ARC, and fill in Declaration Form with one 2-inch, white back-ground photo in person.
Step 2:Prepare required documents mentioned above and apply official document from ISAD.
Step 3:When applying for ARC, please prepare the required documents and go to the local service of Ministry of Interior National Immigration Agency. The process should be done in person.
MAP to Immigration Agency↓
◆ 馬來西亞、印尼等地僑生因遺失居留證辦理申請
Applicants requesting ARC renewal due to the loss of their ARC for Overseas Chinese students.
1. 外國人居停留案件申請表 (點此下載>>>申請書)
2. 遺失居留證具結書 (需親自前往移民署填寫)
3. 學生證正反面影本
4. 相片1張 (2吋白色背景照)→請參考範本
5. 新台幣500元
6. 學校公文(請持以上文件到僑外組申請公文)
Required documents:
1. Application Form
(Download>>>Application Form download)
2. Declaration (which is provided by National Immigration Agency)
3. 2-sides copy of students ID card(enrolled)
5. one 2-inch photos→ see the example Here
6. NTD 500
7. Official document
(Official document should be applied from Assistance of ISAD with documents required above.)
●申請流程 Application Procedure
Step 1:Go to National Immigration Agency in Douliu to report missing of ARC, and fill in Declaration Form with one 2-inch, white back-ground photo in person.
Step 2:Prepare required documents mentioned above and apply official document from ISAD.
Step 3:When applying for ARC, please prepare the required documents and go to the local service of Ministry of Interior National Immigration Agency. The process should be done in person.
台北市服務站:星期一至星期五 08:00-17:00,中午不休息
各地服務站:星期一至星期五 08:00-17:00,中午不休息
For more details, please contact the National Immigration Agency
E-mail: boi@immigration.gov.tw
Website: http://www.immigration.gov.tw//immig_eng/aspcode/main4.asp
Address: No.15, Guangjhou St., Jhong Jheng District, Taipei City
Business Hours: Taipei Office: Monday to Friday 8:00 – 17:00
Branch Office in Douliu: Monday to Friday 8:00 – 17:00
TEL: (05)534-5971
Manual Answering Line: (02)2389-9983 "Taipei"
Foreigners in Taiwan 24-hour toll free service: 0800-024-111 (English, Japanese, and Manderin services avaliable)