港、澳、韓等地區 For students who are from Hong Kong, Macau and Korea, etc.
2.所需文件:延期留台申請書(申請書下載→申請書Application Form)、
相片2張(白色背景之證件照) 請參考這裡、
Authorize Assistance of International Student as the agent
1. Definite term for application:
If your ARC is going to be invalid next month, you should go to International Students Assistance Division Office(ISA) and apply for it before the middle of this month. (For example, if your ARC will be invalid in September, you should hand in all required documents to ISA office before 15th August.)
2. Required documents:◆Application Form
(Download→Application Form)
◆Taiwan ARC
◆●Student ID card(2-sides photocopy)
◆Two 2" front, hatless,
white-background photo→see HERE
◆NT$ 300
3. Who go apply past time limit of item 1:
Go to ISA office with documents mentioned above and apply for official document first. Then go to National Immigration Agency in Douliou on your own to apply for the extension of ARC.
(Map to Immigration Agency in Douliou→Click Here)
4. Flow Chart below is for your information
馬來西亞、印尼等地區For students who are from Malysia, Indonesia, etc.
1、申請人記得攜帶外國人停居留案件申請表(申請書下載→申請書Application Form)、
照片1張(2吋白色背景照) 請參考這裡
1、Required document:
●Application Form(Download→Application Form)
●ARC(Original one and photocopy)
●Student ID card(2-sides photocopy)
●Passport(Original one and photocopy)
●NT$ 500
●One 2" front, hatless,
white-background photo→see HERE
●Official document(Go to ISA office with documents above-mentioned and follow the time limit of item 3 to apply for official document.)
And then carry documents required above to National Immigration Agency in Douliu to apply extension of ARC.
2、If your ARC will be overdue during winter vacation(Feb.) or summer vacation(Jul and Aug.), you have to apply extension of ARC three weeks before departing Taiwan, so that you can avoied being not able to come back Taiwan in time to apply for extension.
3、Definite term for application:
If your ARC is going to be invalid next month, you should go to International Students Assistance Division Office(ISA) and apply for it before the middle of this month. (For example, if your ARC will be invalid in September, you should hand in all required documents to ISA office before 15th August.)
4.Who go apply past time limit of item 1:
Go to ISA office with documents mentioned above and apply for official document first. Then go to National Immigration Agency in Douliu on your own to apply for the extension of ARC.
(Map to Immigration Agency in Douliou→Click Here)
5.If your ARC is overdue and you didn't apply extension in time, you must leave Taiwan and be fined NT$10,000.